Nor are exluded The utterly noseless, nor the hideously wall- and cross- eyed, ∺ll meeting rooms windowless, thats in Italic, ∺ll meeting rooms windowless. Medusas and Odalisques both: come find common ground. The Actæonizing, side by side with the Medusoid. Come learn to love whats hidden inside, to hold and cherish. ≏ind Nurturing and Support and the Inner Resources to face your own unblinking sight. is what this goes on to say, a bit overheatedly, maybe. Leave your lazarettes and oubliettes, Im reading this, right here, your closets and cellars. Those who only undress in front of their pets. The hated and dateless and shunned, who keep to the shadows. The ones, it says here, The ones the cruel call Two Baggers: one bag for your head, one bag for the observers head in case your bag falls off. The morbidly diaphoretic, with a hanky in every pocket. The endocrinologically malodorous, of whatever ilk. Get out from under the suns cove lighting, is what it says, ∼ome in out of the spectral rain. The leukodermatic, the xanthodantic, the maxillofacially swollen, those with distorted orbits of all kinds. ∻ell shaped steatopygiacs, in your special slacks.

The psoriatic, the eczematically shunned and the scrofulodermic. Marin-Amat Syndrome, you say? Come on down. The dermally wine-stained or carbuncular or steatocryptotic or, God forbid, all three. The Braggs Diseased, in their heavy, red rinds of flesh. The tabescent and cachectic and anorexic. And yes, chemists and pure math majors, also those with atrophic necks. Name > Wurst > None of It > BYMO > Heen > Rodan > Bender