
Set fire to the gods
Set fire to the gods

set fire to the gods set fire to the gods

I’ve read and enjoyed books by both authors of this before so I knew that I’d love this book. Ash wants to bring her god down and Madoc might wind up being the key to doing that. This book follows Ash, a girl with fire magic and Madoc, a boy who pretends to had earth magic as they become gladiators and have to fight for their gods. Like, I hadn’t preordered this book but had planned on picking it up as soon as I could. She realizes that his powers are the weapon her rebellion needs-but Madoc won’t jeopardize his family, regardless of how intrigued he is by the beautiful warrior.But when the gods force Madoc’s hand, he and Ash uncover an ancient war that will threaten more than one immortal-it will unravel the world.This book! I was so excited to read this book! And when I won it in a giveaway from Harper 360 over the YALC Online weekend I was so hyped. When an attempted revenge plot goes dangerously wrong, Ash inadvertently throws the fire and earth gods into a conflict that can only be settled by deadly, lavish gladiator games, throwing Madoc in Ash’s path. His elemental gift is something else-something that hasn’t been seen in centuries. But he hides a dangerous secret: he doesn’t have the earth god’s powers like his opponents. Madoc grew up fighting on the streets to pay his family’s taxes. But after her mother dies in an arena, she vows to avenge her by overthrowing her fire god, whose temper has stripped her country of its resources. “Ash is descended from a long line of gladiators, and she knows the brutal nature of war firsthand. This YA Fantasy released August 4th and is described as Gladiator meets Avatar: The Last Airbender.

set fire to the gods

Hi everyone! Today i’m excited to share with you all Set Fire To The Gods by Sara Raasch and Kristen Simmons.

Set fire to the gods