For a medievalist like me this is a delightful Easter egg, and it's hardly the only one.) Each chapter begins with a quotation from a book (the citations chosen vary interestingly between the English and German versions of Vols. If you Google for character names you find out that a handful of them are names of early scribes from St.

(The main adult point-of-view character is a bookbinder secondary adult point-of-view characters are an author and a book collector minor characters include a handful of book illuminators.

1.but also, all the physical trappings of books. Not just the stories out of books, which play a big role, especially in Vol. It's all about getting lost in books.this time more literally than usual. The cover blurb says, "Der Verlag übernimmt keine Haftung für eventuell verloren gegangene Personen." ("The publishers assume no responsibility for readers who disappear," essentially. 3 (this one) from Germany to find out how it ended, I even ordered the audio book and put it on my iPod so I could obsess about it repeatedly. I got so crazy about this series that I not only ordered vol.